Coming Soon: Prototypical Miniature Light Fixtures
Dioramo Scale Modeling has started developing Prototypical Miniature Light Fixtures!
A Variety of different Light Fixture Types and Designs are planned, including Lamp Posts, Street Lights, Barn / Gooseneck Lamps, Industrial Lights, Sconces, and more.
Tooling is currently in progress. Developed and Built in the USA with Quality Metal and Resin materials, available in both Black and Brushed Metal Finishes.
All Designs will be available in a Range of Scales:
1:160 (N), 1:87 (HO), 1:48 (O), 1:35 (M), 1:24 (G).
Dioramo's Goal is to offer Detailed Light Fixtures at an Affordable Cost that Look Great and are Easy to Install, Connect to Power, and Control.
Light Fixtures will include an Easy-to-Connect Junction Box with a Built-in Bridge Rectifier and Resistor Array, eliminating the need for resistors or soldering.
The Junction Boxes will be Multi-compatible with Dioramo's Plug & Play Lighting System in addition to 9-16V AC, DC, or DCC Power.
They are expected to start becoming available during the Summer, with new designs continuously being developed going forward.
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